Blessed Robe

From Golden Sun Universe
Blessed Robe.gif Blessed Robe Blessed Robe DD.gif
In-Game Description
"Robe: Replenishes HP" (GS) (TLA)
"Body: Robe (Renews HP)" (DD)
Trade Info
Item class Robe
Buy value 7000
Sell value 5250
Artifact? Yes
Equip/Use Effect
Defense Boost 36
HP Recovery 5
• Sold at Lunpa post-Lunpa Fortress (GS)
• Sold at Champa (TLA)
• Sold at Yamata City (DD)

The Blessed Robe (セイントローブ, Saint Robe?) is a Robe found throughout the Golden Sun series.

In Golden Sun and The Lost Age

Although hardly the strongest Robe in terms of defensive points, the Blessed Robe is one of the best defensive Robes because of its ability to restore HP. Although a high defensive rating keeps the wearer from taking much damage, the ability to automatically regain lost HP can be more valuable, especially during boss battles.

Between the first two games, there are only four Robes that automatically restore HP (the Blessed Robe, the Oracle's Robe, the Muni Robe, and the Mysterious Robe), and only four Adepts who can wear Robes. For these Adepts, there is no other equipment that can restore HP automatically, making these four Robes among the games' most valuable items. However, each one of the other three robes is a direct upgrade over the Blessed Robe.

In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

In Dark Dawn, the Blessed Robe is not available until after the player can get the superior Muni Robe. However, as there are only three Robes that can restore HP (the Blessed Robe, the Muni Robe, and the Mysterious Robe), the Blessed Robe may still see use. The location means the Blessed Robe can be given to Himi as an immediate upgrade from the Silver Vest that she joins the party with. Whether the player prefers to keep the Blessed Robe for its HP regeneration, or replaces it with a more Defensive bodywear, is up to the player.

Robes (All Equipment)
Robes featured in Golden Sun
One-Piece DressTravel RobeSilk RobeChina DressJerkinCocktail DressBlessed RobeMagical CassockOracle's RobeFeathered Robe
Robes featured in Golden Sun: The Lost Age
One-Piece DressTravel RobeSilk RobeJerkinBlessed RobeMuni RobeDragon RobeMagical CassockArdagh RobeAeolian CassockFeathered RobeIris RobeMysterious Robe
Robes featured in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
One-Piece DressTravel RobeSilk RobeSanan DressJerkinBlessed RobeMuni RobeMagical CassockFeathered RobeAeolian CassockIris RobeMysterious Robe